All Lives Matter ... except for lives of black people, Asians, Muslims, homeless, refugees, LGBTIQ+, socialists ...
By Ranting Panda, 11 July 2020
Picture this: you're walking down the street and hear someone screaming for help. What do you do?
(a) Ignore them
(b) Run the other way
(c) Help them
This is pretty easy, right? Most people would offer help.
Yet, this simple act of compassion and concern seems just a little difficult for some people to comprehend. The Black Lives Matter movement started because people of colour were screaming for help as they suffered under systemic racism manifesting itself through police brutality, deaths in custody, and disparities in health, education, employment, and wealth.
A lot of people who oppose Black Lives Matter protests are trying to change the narrative from justice for people of colour to being an anti-white movement. Instead of black lives matter, they are trying to make it about white lives and white guilt. Apparently, white privilege and white guilt are worse than the systemic racism that black people experience. What privilege to be able to do this. There was even a claim that white people who side with BLM are the real racists, because somehow this means they feel superior to black people. White people who support BLM acknowledge that white privilege was built on white supremacy, they are not saying that white people are superior. Yet, anti-BLM people somehow think that solidarity equals superiority ... perhaps they are just projecting their own white supremacy.
People committing crimes should be arrested, but black people are often arrested for crimes that white people are never arrested for, and they are treated worse when being arrested. The over-representation of black deaths in custody is testimony to this. On average, Indigenous Australians account for around 20% of deaths in custody, yet are only 2% of the Australian population, so have a one in 10 chance of dying in custody (Doherty & Bricknell 2020). Non-indigenous people account for 98% of the population, but 80% of the deaths, so have less than one in 100 chance of dying in custody. Can you imagine the outrage, the anger, the demands for justice, if non-indigenous people were dying in custody at such a rate? In the United States, black people are twice as likely as white people to die in police custody (Tucker 2020).
Even though Aboriginal people are only 3% of the population of New South Wales, they account for 12% strip-searches conducted by New South Wales police (Wellington 2020). However, legal experts believe these figures are greatly understated, as Police often don't record strip-searches. Even more disturbing, is whether the strip-searches are being conducted lawfully. For instance, there have been strip-searches conducted on children as young as 10 years old (Wellington 2020). In response to this information, the Redfern Legal Centre and the legal firm, Slater and Gordon, have commenced a class action lawsuit against the NSW Police.
People oppose Black Lives Matter claim that they aren't racist because they believe 'All' lives matter ... yeah ... about that ... these same people who claim that All Lives Matter, also oppose rights for people of colour, Asians, refugees, LGBTIQ+, Muslims, women, the poor, the homeless, Palestinians, the unemployed, the drug users ... you know, basically everyone who isn't a white Christian. In fact, ALM advocates tend to hate everyone who white Christians have attacked and subjugated for centuries.
Some of the racism from ALM advocates is demonstrated in their histrionic claims that black communities have significant social problems and that black people only want hand-outs. There are social issues in many black communities, but is that the fault of the residents or the policies, actions and inactions of government ... e.g. Stolen Generations, Stolen Wages, White Australia Policy ... you know ... the systemic racism that Black Lives Matter is drawing attention to. And hand-outs? What hand-outs? The 'hand-outs' that black people get, are no more than the same welfare that anyone is able to claim if they are out of work. They do not get free university, or free home loans, or free cars, or any other benefit that non-indigenous people don't get (Carlson 2016).
The media and certain politicians often inflame these racist stereotypes and enforce the concept of white victimhood. After all, if a white person is called out for racist behaviour, then the white person is the victim ... according to anti-BLM people. ALM logic is that the victims of racism are not the people who continue to be oppressed by the systems that were instituted by white settlement, but that white people are the victims because black people want equality and justice. This helps serve the myth that black people are living in the past and the world is now some racist-free utopia ... even though racism continues to oppress people to this very day.
What was the purpose of right-wing sites claiming that no media outlet reported a group of men of African appearance assaulting a 16 year old girl at Southern Cross Railway Station? The purpose was to demonise black people, inflame white victimhood and make it appear as though black people get away with serious crimes ... even though black people are over-represented in the justice systems, often arrested for things that white people are never arrested for. But back to this dreadful attack at Southern Cross Railway Station. The claim that it wasn't reported is garbage. It was reported in the Herald Sun, The Age, and even in British papers, the Daily Mail and the Independent.
Have a look at the track record of the Herald Sun. It has been voracious in its reporting of 'African' gangs, to the point where the police issued a statement saying that the reporting was misleading and over-represented the amount of crime being perpetrated by 'African' gangs, as well as ascribed some of those crimes to African gangs when they were committed by white people and often, not even by gangs (Dinham & Baker 2018). The purpose? Racist fear-mongering and dog-whistling.
Ironically, it is this very vilification of people of African appearance that is actually making the situation worse. By exaggerating the problem, the media has caused an entire community to be ostracised and rejected. Many businesses are refusing to employ people with African names. People who thought they were Australian, are isolated, demonised, and unemployed, making some of them vulnerable to recruitment by organised crime gangs which, by the way, are not necessarily African (Chiengkou & Dexter 2019). Want to reduce crime? Be more welcoming and inclusive.
Racialising crime creates in people's minds that there is a link between race and crime, which ignores the actual causes of crime, such as socio-economic factors (Budarick 2018). This indicates that either people are naively ignoring the real causes of crime, or they don't care about the real causes because they want an excuse to hate black people, to hate migrants, to hate refugees ... they want to justify their racism. While people are demonising 'African' gangs, people of African appearance have experienced an increase in racism and violent attacks against them (Budarick 2018; Diversity Council Australia 2018).

All Lives Matter advocates often share incidents of crimes committed by people of colour and then belligerently ask, 'where are the protests now?' Well, cabrĂ³n, the reason there are no protests is because these are isolated, individual incidents; they are not part of the systemic racism that people of colour experience every single day.
Hand-wringing ALM advocates will attempt sincerity in the claim that all lives matter, but it doesn't take much to expose their thinly veiled racism and bigotry. They'll try to hide it by saying that they have black friends or gay friends, or whatever. ALM advocates often roll out a person of colour who disagrees with the movement or who claims that they don't experience racism. This is typical of conservatives though: if it doesn't affect them, then it doesn't matter if it affects someone else. Instead, BLM is not about one individual's personal experience, but the systemic abuses, discrimination and subjugation that most people of colour do experience. Having said that, based on the conservative logic that a black person denying racism invalidates BLM, then white people acknowledging racism must validate BLM. Hmm ...
Some ALM advocates have complained that if they claim 'white power' or 'white pride', they are accused of being racist, whereas black people can have 'black power' and 'black pride', and it isn't considered racist. The difference is that black power and black pride are not about subjugating other ethnicities, but in claiming the same rights that white people have. White power on the other hand, is often used as an excuse to subjugate other ethnicities. Black power, black pride is not about black supremacy; white power, white pride is often about white supremacy.
Pauline Hanson's billboard in Rockhampton (Stunzner & Colliver 2020) |
All lives matter ... but some matter more than others ... to paraphrase Orwell. For BLM, it's not that black lives matter more than anyone else's, they just want to matter as much as everyone else. For ALM advocates, white lives matter more than black: they try to look like they care by claiming ALL lives matter to them, when clearly they don't. (2020) |
During Trump's election campaign in 2016, he espoused 'America First'. Seems innocuous enough, right? He isn't the first American leader to claim that. In fact, the saying goes back at least 120 years, to President McKinley in 1896. However, the saying was also appropriated by the Ku Klux Klan. Surely any decent politician would avoid being associated with a hate group ... but not Trump, after all, he thinks the Klan are fine people. The Anti-Defamation League even advised Trump that he shouldn't use it because during World War II, the slogan was appropriated by an isolationist political party with pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic tendencies (Emery 2018). Trump obviously did not desist from using it, so clearly doesn't mind the connection with Nazism, anti-Semitism, racism or fascism ... which could explain his unjustified attacks on anti-fascist activists.
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(Emery 2018) |
Following on from this, the Trump campaign sold shirts that utilised Nazi imagery, by displaying an eagle with talons wrapped around a US flag in a circle. This bears remarkable similarity to the Nazi symbol that featured an eagle with its talons wrapped around a swastika in a circle.
Trump continues with his fascist, racist, white supremacist attacks on Black Lives Matter. Trump used his fourth of July 2020 speech at the foot of Mt Rushmore, to perpetuate divisions and social discord, to demonise his opponents, and to vilify Black Lives Matter. He even compared BLM to totalitarianism by portraying activists as violent mobs out to 'destroy justice and society' by unleashing a 'wave of violent crime' in order to dominate their political opponents (Nakamura et al 2020). Yeah, nothing like taking a leaf out of the Hitler playbook to stoke the fires of fear and animosity against minorities. What next? Will Trump start his own version of Hitler Youth by indoctrinating young people with his hate-speech and lies, simply because any school teaching facts is too left-wing for him. He is already setting the stage for this by declaring in that same speech, that 'children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe the men and women who built it were not heroes but villains'. This statement is blatantly false and dog-whistles to his racist supporters, cementing their fear of BLM and turning them against teachers, education, and historical facts.
Just like the rise of Hitler, many Christians support Trump, his lies and his hate-speech. God knows what bible they read, but clearly not the one that says to do the following (just for clarity, the typical Trump-supporter response is in italics):
There is nothing Christian in opposing Black Lives Matter.
There is nothing Christian in demonising BLM activists.
There is nothing Christian in defending systemic racism or denying that it exists.
There is nothing Christian in opposing anti-racism, because openly opposing anti-racism means you are blatantly racist ... so why do church leaders feel they need to oppose BLM? Why do church leaders share racist information that denies racism exists, or frame it as white victimhood?
This is not Christianity and those church leaders and pew-warmers who do this, clearly have no concept of Christianity.
To paraphrase John Heywood: 'There are none so blind as those who will not see'. Church leaders who vilify Black Lives Matter are clearly not Christian. Which begs the question about why they are leading churches and influencing people's faith. The character, Kristian Schaefer, in episode 2 of the TV show, Warrior Nun, nails it: 'You've built a career using faith as a stepping stone to personal power'. Church leaders who support Trump, who defend or deny racism, who facilitate fear-mongering and bigotry, are obviously not serving Christ or serving 'the least of these', but instead are serving themselves, their own power and wealth, and racist systems of black oppression.
Trump supporters spread false claims that BLM makes white people the enemy, rather than systemic racism, and incredibly, even claim that systemic racism is a hoax (Seitz 2020). These deliberate campaigns of misinformation demonstrate that Trump and many of his supporters do not lack knowledge of racism, but have deliberately chosen to vilify BLM through blatant lies and dog-whistles to the gullible, fear-driven, victimhood of many conservatives who lack the willingness, cognitive skills, critical thinking or emotional intelligence to fact-check these obvious falsehoods. It seems that no matter how obviously untrue these ridiculous claims are, many conservatives will believe them because they serve to confirm their racist biases.
Many opponents of Black Lives Matter claim it is a socialist ploy aimed at overthrowing society as we know it to implement a Marxist agenda ... whatever that may be! Clearly these critics do not understand Marxism, socialism, or racism. They clearly do not understand that it is they who are the biggest threat to the fabric of democratic society, as they embrace fascism ... or perhaps they do understand that, which is even more concerning; perhaps the racists are running a fascist ploy by weaponising hate to implement a Hitlerian agenda of ethnic cleansing and racial 'purity'.
The ALM propaganda is a wolf in sheep's clothing: it claims to value all lives, but clearly only values white lives.
Left-wingers and BLM advocates are often accused of being 'snowflakes' because they supposedly take offence at so many things that are an accepted part of society. Conservatives meltdown because of 'political correctness gone mad' and will accuse politicians or other celebrities of 'virtue signalling' dare they side with minorities, or stand up for human rights or the environment. Derogatory terms such as 'political correctness', 'do-gooder', 'Social Justice Warrior' and 'virtue signalling' are thrown at people who are simply doing the right thing. Apparently, believing in social justice is something to be ashamed of, according to conservatives. This says a lot about the values and lack of morals that characterise many conservatives, because they need to justify their selfishness, racism and bigotry, by tearing down anyone who dares to challenge their degeneracy and self-indulgeness.
Within every conservative is their inner snowflake just waiting to melt. One only has to watch them hit peak apoplexy when someone dares suggest tearing down a monument to some long-dead racist or genocidal maniac. Even more entertaining is watching them completely lose their proverbial shit dare it be suggested that a lolly have a name-change ... or a football team ... or a skin cream. Burn a flag and see how they react. Seriously, anyone would have thought the flag-burner had just barbequed Bambi in front of a pack of pre-schoolers. Can you see the pattern? Conservatives care more for symbols than lives, so clearly they don't believe 'all' lives matter.
One of the defensive points that anti-BLM people will raise, is that black people are more likely to be killed by other black people. This may be the case, however, it is also the case that it is likely the killer will be arrested, charged and convicted. This is not the case in cop killings of black people. The problem with making this claim, is that anti-BLM people are trying to distract from systemic racism, thus perpetuating systemic racism without holding police to account. It also assumes that violence is the only element of systemic racism claims, when it goes much deeper to include poorer health and education outcomes, wealth inequality and employment discrimination. Another defence that anti-BLM types will raise is that some cops who kill black people are themselves people of colour. In these cases, they often get away without being charged. This does not prove that the system is not racist, rather it confirms the racist bias of the system, in that the victim's colour matters when there is a killing by cop, because of the lack of action or concern taken in regard to it, regardless of the ethnicity of the police officers involved.
Conservatives often claim to be 'pro-life' because of their supercilious grandstanding against abortion. However, their contemptuous dismissal of BLM and denial of racism, show that they aren't pro-life at all. Rather than joining in the calls to end systemic racism and the violence and deaths caused by it, some conservatives have racially abused protesters or reacted violently (BBC 2020). There has been at least 50 incidents of cars being deliberately driven into BLM protesters (Democracy Now 2020). These attacks have resulted in at least one death, and multiple injuries (Evelyn 2020). What a way for conservatives to demonstrate being pro-life.
Some BLM protests were accompanied by violence in the form of riots and property damage. Anti-BLM people furrowed their collective brows, wrung their hands, pursed their lemony lips, and stated that the protesters were only hurting the BLM cause; after all, who could take BLM seriously when there's violence.
Why don't they protest peacefully, these anti-BLM hand-wringers helpfully suggested.
Protest peacefully, like Martin Luther King ... oh wait! He was assassinated by a white supremacist.
Protest peacefully, like Colin Kaepernick ... oh wait! President Donald Trump and many of the conservative snowflakes melted down when he took the knee, and declared him a traitor.
While the media focused on riots as a way to delegitimise BLM, a report by nonprofit Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, revealed that 93% of the protests were peaceful (Budryk 2020).
Fredrick Douglass stated, 'Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe'.
Has BLM achieved anything? Well, yes. Sergio Tupac Uzurin, photographer and organiser, points out that "Confrontation works ... In the past 10 days, we've passed Breonna's law in Louisville. The NFL has expressed remorse for treating Colin Kaepernick like s***. The four police officers that killed George Floyd have been arrested. There was a nine-figure budget cut being proposed for the LAPD. The Confederate statues are being removed from the South. And that is in 10 days, half of those days involving rioting nationwide" (Tucker 2020).
The fake moralising of the 'All Lives Matter' brigade is misplaced. It assumes that BLM is an attack on white people. It assumes that BLM is after extra privileges that others don't have. What 'All Lives Matter' advocates miss is that BLM is not anti-white; it is anti-racism.
BBC 2020, 'Black Lives Matter protest disrupted by racist abuse', BBC News, 9 June, viewed 9 July 2020,
Budarick, J 2018, 'Why the media are to blame for racialising Melbourne’s ‘African gang’ problem',, The Conversation, 1 August, viewed 11 July 2020,
Fredrick Douglass stated, 'Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe'.
Has BLM achieved anything? Well, yes. Sergio Tupac Uzurin, photographer and organiser, points out that "Confrontation works ... In the past 10 days, we've passed Breonna's law in Louisville. The NFL has expressed remorse for treating Colin Kaepernick like s***. The four police officers that killed George Floyd have been arrested. There was a nine-figure budget cut being proposed for the LAPD. The Confederate statues are being removed from the South. And that is in 10 days, half of those days involving rioting nationwide" (Tucker 2020).
The fake moralising of the 'All Lives Matter' brigade is misplaced. It assumes that BLM is an attack on white people. It assumes that BLM is after extra privileges that others don't have. What 'All Lives Matter' advocates miss is that BLM is not anti-white; it is anti-racism.
BBC 2020, 'Black Lives Matter protest disrupted by racist abuse', BBC News, 9 June, viewed 9 July 2020,
Budarick, J 2018, 'Why the media are to blame for racialising Melbourne’s ‘African gang’ problem',, The Conversation, 1 August, viewed 11 July 2020,
Budryk, Z 2020, 'Over 90 percent of protests this summer were peaceful, report shows', The Hill, 3 September, viewed 5 September 2020,
Carlson, B 2016, 'Here's the truth about the 'free ride' that some Australians think Indigenous peoples get', SBS News, 7 December (updated 27 January 2020), viewed 16 July 2020,
Chiengkou, AD & Dexter, J 2019, '‘They are preying on these kids’: Victoria Police commander says African youths exploited by organised crime', SBS Dinka, 6 November, viewed 11 July 2020,
Day, L 2018, 'What statistics can and can't tell us about Melbourne's African crime issue', ABC News, 17 January, viewed 11 July 2020,
Democracy Now 2020, 'Black Lives Matter protesters struck by motorists in Indiana, New York', Democracy Now, 8 July, viewed 9 July 2020,
Dinham, A & Baker, N 2018, 'Police, African community leader warn against 'gang hysteria'', SBS News, 23 July, viewed 11 July 2020,
Diversity Council Australia, 2018, 'The facts on Victorian African crime', 3 September, viewed 11 July 2020,
Doherty, L & Bricknell, S 2020, 'Deaths in custody: 2017-18', Australian Institute of Criminology, Statistical Report 21, Figure 9: Deaths in police custody and custody-related operations by Indigenous status, 1989–90 to 2017–18 (%), p. 15,
Emery, D 2018, 'President Trump's oft-repeated slogan "America First" was also a credo of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan organization', Snopes, 9 February, viewed 4 July 2020,
Evelyn, K 2020, 'Drivers target Black Lives Matter protesters in 'horrifying' spate of attacks', The Guardian, 9 July, viewed 9 July 2020, 2020, 'Trump campaign uses Nazi concentration camp symbols in Facebook ads', 17 June, viewed 27 June 2020,
Nakamura, D, Parker, A, Itkowitz, C & Sacchetti, M 2020, 'At Mount Rushmore, Trump exploits social divisions, warns of ‘left-wing cultural revolution’ in dark speech ahead of Independence Day', The Washington Post, 4 July, viewed 4 July 2020,
Seitz, A 2020, 'Facebook groups pivot to attacks on Black Lives Matter', AP Media, 6 July, viewed 7 July 2020,
Stunzner, I & Culliver, P 2020, ' 'All lives matter' sign depicting Pauline Hanson pulled down after outrage in Rockhampton', ABC News, 3 July, viewed 3 July 2020,
Tucker, F 2020, 'Black Lives Matter protesters in New York: 'Confrontation works'', Al Jazeera, 8 July, viewed 9 July 2020,
Wellington, S 2020, 'Data that shows NSW Police target Indigenous people for strip-searches 'could be doubled': Legal experts', SBS News, 17 June, viewed 16 July 2020,
Updated 13September 2020
Carlson, B 2016, 'Here's the truth about the 'free ride' that some Australians think Indigenous peoples get', SBS News, 7 December (updated 27 January 2020), viewed 16 July 2020,
Chiengkou, AD & Dexter, J 2019, '‘They are preying on these kids’: Victoria Police commander says African youths exploited by organised crime', SBS Dinka, 6 November, viewed 11 July 2020,
Day, L 2018, 'What statistics can and can't tell us about Melbourne's African crime issue', ABC News, 17 January, viewed 11 July 2020,
Democracy Now 2020, 'Black Lives Matter protesters struck by motorists in Indiana, New York', Democracy Now, 8 July, viewed 9 July 2020,
Dinham, A & Baker, N 2018, 'Police, African community leader warn against 'gang hysteria'', SBS News, 23 July, viewed 11 July 2020,
Diversity Council Australia, 2018, 'The facts on Victorian African crime', 3 September, viewed 11 July 2020,
Doherty, L & Bricknell, S 2020, 'Deaths in custody: 2017-18', Australian Institute of Criminology, Statistical Report 21, Figure 9: Deaths in police custody and custody-related operations by Indigenous status, 1989–90 to 2017–18 (%), p. 15,
Emery, D 2018, 'President Trump's oft-repeated slogan "America First" was also a credo of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan organization', Snopes, 9 February, viewed 4 July 2020,
Evelyn, K 2020, 'Drivers target Black Lives Matter protesters in 'horrifying' spate of attacks', The Guardian, 9 July, viewed 9 July 2020, 2020, 'Trump campaign uses Nazi concentration camp symbols in Facebook ads', 17 June, viewed 27 June 2020,
Nakamura, D, Parker, A, Itkowitz, C & Sacchetti, M 2020, 'At Mount Rushmore, Trump exploits social divisions, warns of ‘left-wing cultural revolution’ in dark speech ahead of Independence Day', The Washington Post, 4 July, viewed 4 July 2020,
Seitz, A 2020, 'Facebook groups pivot to attacks on Black Lives Matter', AP Media, 6 July, viewed 7 July 2020,
Stunzner, I & Culliver, P 2020, ' 'All lives matter' sign depicting Pauline Hanson pulled down after outrage in Rockhampton', ABC News, 3 July, viewed 3 July 2020,
Tucker, F 2020, 'Black Lives Matter protesters in New York: 'Confrontation works'', Al Jazeera, 8 July, viewed 9 July 2020,
Wellington, S 2020, 'Data that shows NSW Police target Indigenous people for strip-searches 'could be doubled': Legal experts', SBS News, 17 June, viewed 16 July 2020,
Updated 13September 2020
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