
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, but lose his soul - Trump: lechery, treachery, cheating and hate.

What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, but lose his soul - Trump: lechery, treachery, cheating and hate. 

by Ranting Panda, 29 December 2020

Since losing the 2020 election, Trump's infantile temper tantrums have demonstrated exactly why he deserves to have lost, why he is clearly not presidential material and never has been. President-elect Biden has stated that he wants to unite the United States, by reaching out to all Americans, regardless of their political preferences. Trump has sought to divide. He praises white supremacists, even encouraging them to 'stand back and stand by' ... standy by for what? Another Kristallnacht? A new dictatorship based on corruption, fear, narcissism, greed, and racism ... a republic forged in Trump's own image of bigotry, xenophobia, graft and exploitation? 

Trump claimed he was going to drain the swamp, but became the swamp. Nepotism and cronyism ruled supreme, with jobs for the all the boys and girls in Trump's favour. It was the Art of the Shady Deal writ large. And when he was exposed, he projected his innate moral delinquency onto American voters by claiming the election was corrupted because he lost, because he didn't get his way. Trump is a grifter so enamoured by his own ego that he couldn't accept losing like an adult.

Instead of accepting the results of a legitimate election, the cornerstone of any democracy, Trump lied about the results (Lipstadt & Eisen 2020), threatened to declare martial law (Inman 2020, Goodwin 2020), while some Republican leaders demanded the military stage a coup to keep Trump in power (Nguyen 2020), and Trump's idiot child (oh, which one? Don Jr) called for total war because of the election result (da Silva 2020). 

Of course, Donald Junior isn't Trump's only idiot child. Each one of them has been busted sharing lies, fake videos and 'unhinged and unfounded' claims about voter fraud (Moran 2020). Ivanka was called out for her hypocrisy in accepting results in Alaska showing her daddy won, but for not accepting nation-wide results showing he got his ass kicked (Longobardo 2020).

Trump's supporters continue portraying him as a great American patriot and a Christian. Trump is neither. Trump is a traitor who has betrayed American democracy through his lies about the election and his 50+ failed lawsuits that sought to subvert the democratic principles America is so proud of. He betrayed the American constitution by using his power to create wealth for himself, his family and his friends. He betrayed basic principles of human decency by issuing pardons to war criminals and child murderers in the dying days of his morally bankrupt presidency (Weber 2020). Meanwhile, the US continues pursuing charges against Julian Assange, the Wikileaks whistle-blower who revealed US war crimes. In Trump's America, war criminals are good, whistle-blowers are bad.

If he is a Christian, then lets look at some Christian stuff. Waaaayyy back in the day, like back in the Gospel of Mark 8:36, Jesus stated, 'For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?'. This from the bible which Trump claims is his favourite book. It's also allegedly the book which many of Trump's followers proudly claim that they believe every word. Yet, they've lost their souls in pursuit of Trump's vision of the US. A vision in which the US exists purely for him to economically exploit for his own advantage. Cicero stated, 'no wise man every trusted a traitor'. Clearly, Trump's fans are not wise ... and to support a traitor shows that they have no love for their country. But then again, Gandhi identified this situation when he stated, 'If there is an idiot in power, it is because those who elected him are well represented'. 

Lies, fear, hate!

This is all that Trump has. This has been his whole presidency. Is it any wonder that neither he nor his followers have any legitimacy in the eyes of most people in the world.  

Lies, fear, hate. The values of 'conservative' Christianity. 

Trump is a fraud … and is duping his own supporters into thinking there is hope, while shaking them down for money to cover his personal losses from his own financial mismanagement. The people Trump has most disdain for, are his own supporters … and why not? They’ve shown time & again that they are willing to swallow Trump’s lies over and over. We are seeing gullibility on an apocalyptic scale. Trump requires weak people to give him the benefit of the doubt. Trump does not believe in free speech, democracy, respect or truth. Fear, lies & hate are the hallmarks and legacy of Trump’s presidency.

It is of grave concern then that more than 70 million people voted for Trump. Many will say they are not racist or fascist, even though Trump has empowered fascist, white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups. If someone is willing to vote for Trump, then clearly there are concerns in American society that are not being addressed. These are likely moral, economic and social concerns. Unfortunately, conservatives are often not looking at the real causes or what's required to rectify these issues, so they are susceptible to the populist, simplistic message of Trump which seeks to blame and demonise others, when it is people such as Trump who have caused these issues. They have undermined the moral fabric of society, they have economically raped the country through exploiting its working class, and destroyed the social fabric of the country by intensifying division between racial and religious groups, while defunding infrastructure, education and health because these things are 'Marxist' if funded by the government. 

Oh yeah, that 'Marxist' agenda that Trump and his followers bang on about was exposed by Vice President Mike Pence when he stated that Democrats '... want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable' (Marcus 2020). How? Pence revealed that the Democrats nefarious socialist agenda included higher taxes, socialised medicine and a Green New Deal. This revelation was met with wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst Trump's terrified supporters who fear anything vaguely Marxist.

The basic premise of Marxism is fairness, not exploitation, so no wonder Trump and his supporters are opposed to it. They are driven by greed and selfishness. Why would they want to help others less fortunate than them. It is clear that they pay lip service to the bible, because that is where the tenets of socialism are based. Marx stated, 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need', which is actually biblical. Acts 4:34-35, 'Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need'. Exodus 16:16-28 says, 'This is the thing which the LORD has commanded: ‘Let every man gather it according to each one’s need, one omer for each person, according to the number of persons; let every man take for those who are in his tent.’ Then the children of Israel did so and gathered, some more, some less. So when they measured it by omers, he who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack. Every man had gathered according to each one’s need'. So yeah, let's hear again how Christian Trump and his supporters are as they worship capitalism and the accumulation of wealth at the expense of others, while opposing the biblical value of sharing wealth to help others. 

Trump's politics resonate with nationalists; those people who claim they put country before anyone or anything else. Nationalism isn't just a patriotic love of country. It is an extremist ideology based on the supremacy of one's race and nationality. It is mired in xenophobia, racism and bigotry. Christian nationalists bang on about God and country to the exclusion of all others. Christian nationalists have long since supported conservatives in a perverse marriage of politics and religion, which enables them to be easily manipulated into committing the most heinous acts. It was Christian Nationalists for instance who delivered the holocaust and persecution that killed more than 17 million people, including Jews, communists, socialists, Roma, LGBTIQ+, the sick and infirm, Jehovah's Witnesses and anyone deemed 'undesirable' (Holocaust Encyclopedia 2020).

White supremacists were so scared that Trump might be trumped by democracy, these traitors planned to attack the US power grid were their feckless hero to lose the election (Forliti 2020). On Christmas Day, a terrorist named Anthony Quinn Warner went full suicide bomber by detonating a car bomb in downtown Nashville, injuring three people and killing himself. The bomb was situated outside the AT&T offices, which damaged the building's façade, elevators and beams, while causing an outage of emergency communication systems and residential services (Timms, Alund & Bacon 2020). Trump has yet to condemn the bombing, most likely because it was caused by one of his fanatic supporters. This illustrates the danger of Trump's baseless fear-mongering. His attack on the democratic system borders on treason, while empowering neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and nationalists who hate America's freedom and diversity.

Trump's incompetence and greed was on a genocidal scale all in the name of nationalism and under the pretence of 'making America great again'. So far, more than 320,000 people have died from Covid-19 as a result of Trump's delinquent leadership and failure to act or even recognise the severity of it. Initially, he called it a Democratic Party hoax that we would never hear of again after the election. Even as his lame-duck presidency limps into oblivion, Trump is downplaying the severity of the virus, while portraying it as a racist and partisan issue as shown in this tweet he posted on 27 December 2020. Trump is a genocidally incompetent loser who should be jailed for every single one of the 320,000+ deaths from Coronavirus. 

Trump's followers? Too stupid to realise they are being conned, believed Trump when he downplayed even the existence of the virus; instead believing it to be a hoax aimed at ushering in socialism. Ironically, the solution to beating the virus lay in socialised medicine and the sharing of wealth and resources, to effectively combat it. So terrified of socialism are Trump's supporters, that they would rather see hundreds of thousands die of Covid-19, than actually share wealth, resources and skills to save lives. 

The only difference between Trump supporters and Hitler supporters is the scale of death and destruction ... but it's still early days if these sectarian half-wits are allowed to continue their hatred and intolerance unabated and unchallenged. These Trumpoid half-wits are not funny. They are dangerous and deluded. One of their heroes, Steve Bannon, the perennial bullshit artist who founded fake news site Breitbart News, called for the beheading of Dr Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Christopher Wray, FBI Director (Harvey 2020). Fauci is the top infectious disease expert in the US and a member of the coronavirus task force. However, he has dared to contradict Trump's insane claims about Covid-19. Wray testified to congress about Russia meddling in the 2020 election, which upset Traitor Trump who has defended Russia's meddling in US democracy throughout his entire presidency ... not to mention failing to act when it was revealed that Russia had taken hits out on US soldiers in Afghanistan (BBC 2020). Yet, the Trump zealots continue defending this traitor while claiming they are patriots. 

Trump and his followers don't just attack and persecute non-Whites, non-Christians, or the left-wing. They also persecute the poor. Conservatives still believe the great lie of trickle-down economics; that the richer the rich become, the more they will share their wealth with the poor. Meanwhile, there are more poor people in the US than ever before, while the rich continue getting richer as they accumulate the wealth that is created for them by the poor people they exploit. A study of data collected over 50 years and from 18 countries showed that tax cuts for the wealthy did not trickle down to the poor, nor did it generate productivity, increase GDP growth or create jobs (Hope & Limburg 2020, pp. 5, 16-18). Most concerning, the study found that providing bigger tax cuts for the rich significantly increases income inequality (Hope & Limberg 2020, pp. 6, 9-16). Yet, the fallacy of trickle-down economics continues as gullible workers are manipulated by the rich into believing this myth.

Conservatives bemoan raising the minimum wage, while the workers, who are the real wealth creators, are forced to work multiple jobs just to live. Slavery didn't die out with the American Civil War; it is alive and stronger than ever, and strengthened by conservatives who oppose socialising medicine, education or allowing workers to have a greater share in the wealth that the workers themselves create.

2020 is the deadliest year in US history, primarily because of Trump's failure to address the coronavirus (Bump 2020). More than 320,000 dead this year alone and it shows no sign of abating. Trump refers to it as the China Virus, in an effort to exploit racist fears among his easily manipulated supporters. However, the death toll in the US is his responsibility. It would be more appropriate to call it the Trump Virus, with many of America's deadliest days from a single event occurring in 2020 because of the virus (Lee 2020).

Trump is a criminal.

Trump is anti-democratic.

Trump is corrupt.

The Oath of Office for the Vice President and some other executives includes the words, 'I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ...'. 

Trump's behaviour is unconstitutional. 

Trump failed to address attacks by foreign states on American democracy and the military. He incited domestic terrorism. Trump is an enemy of the state who has empowered enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Trump must be prosecuted for his crimes, which include his criminal negligence in the deaths of 320,000+ people from Covid-19, his incitement of right-wing terrorist groups that harm the United States, and his failure to hold Russia to account for both interfering in US elections and taking bounties out on US military personnel.

Trump is a traitor. 


BBC, 2020, 'Afghanistan war: Trump got written briefing on 'Russia bounties', reports say', 30 June,, viewed 27 December 2020.

Bump, P 2020, 'Trump’s legacy will be defined largely by his attempt to look away from the coronavirus pandemic', The Washington Post, 14 November,, viewed 27 December 2020.

da Silva, C 2020, '‘Reckless’ and ‘stupid’: Trump Jr calls for ‘total war’ over election results', The Independent, 6 November,, viewed 26 December 2020. 

Forliti, A 2020, 'FBI Says White Supremacists Plotted Attack on U.S. Power Grid', Bloomberg, 23 December,, viewed 26 December 2020.

Goodwin, J 2020, 'Trump's talk of martial law sends White House staffers rushing to the press', CNN Business Insider, 21 December,, viewed 26 December 2020.

Harvey, J 2020, 'Dr. Anthony Fauci Responds To Steve Bannon Calling For His Beheading', Huffpost, 12 November,, viewed 27 December 2020. 

Holocaust Encyclopedia 2020, 'Documenting numbers of victims of the Holocaust', updated 8 December,, viewed 27 December 2020.

Hope D, & Limberg, J 2020, The Economic Consequences of Major Tax Cuts for the Rich, London School of Economics and Political Science, Working Paper 55, December 2020. Available at:

Inman, D 2020, 'Military on alert over Trump’s martial law threat: ‘The craziness is unprecedented’', Yahoo! News, 25 December,, viewed 26 December 2020. 

Lee, E 2020, 'Fact check: List of 'deadliest days in American history' is partly false', USA Today, 12 December,, viewed 27 December 2020. 

Lipstadt, DE & Eisen, N 2020, 'Denying the Holocaust threatens democracy. So does denying the election results', The Washington Post, 23 December,, viewed 26 December 2020.

Longobardo, V 2020, 'Ivanka Trump slammed for accepting AP call of Alaska election but ignoring the nationwide results', Washington Press, 11 November,, viewed 27 December 2020. 

Marcus, J 2020, 'Mike Pence mocked for saying liberals want to make ‘poor people more comfortable’', The Independent, 23 December,, viewed 26 December 2020.

Moran, L 2020, 'Don Lemon Spotlights Election Lies Spread By Donald Trump’s Adult Children', Huffpost, 12 November,, viewed 27 December 2020.

Nguyen, T 2020, 'MAGA leaders call for the troops to keep Trump in office', Politico, 18 December,, viewed 26 December 2020.

Timms, M, Alund, NN, & Bacon, J 2020, 'Anthony Warner was Christmas Day bomber in Nashville and likely died in explosion, authorities say', USA Today, 27 December 2020,, viewed 28 December 2020.

Weber, P 2020, 'The Blackwater guards Trump pardoned were jailed for a massacre of civilians, including 2 kids', Yahoo! News, 23 December,, viewed 26 December 2020.

Updated 4 January 2021

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