
Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Prayer for Israel

Lord, we pray for Israel ...

We pray that Israel will end it's illegal occupation of Palestine,

We pray that Israel will end the ethnic cleansing of Palestine,

We pray that Israel will cease the genocide in Palestine

We pray that Israel will stop murdering innocents,

We pray that Israel will end its war crimes,

We pray that Israel will end its crimes against humanity,

We pray that Israel will end its use of experimental weapons in Gaza,

We pray that Israel will end its use of chemical weapons in Gaza,

We pray that Israel will end its use of body- and limb-melting Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME) in Gaza,

We pray that Israel will end its use of missiles containing Depleted Uranium (DE) in Gaza,

We pray that Israel will cease the illegal and indefinite detention of children,
We pray that Israel will cease the illegal and indefinite detention of men and women,

We pray that Israel will end its illegal practice of collective punishment,

We pray that Israel will remove the illegal settlements from the West Bank,

We pray that Israel will lift its blockades of Palestine,

We pray that Israel will end the apartheid against non-Jews,

We pray that Israel will pull down the walls which stop Palestinians accessing jobs, crops, hospitals, schools, families,

We pray that Israel will stop destroying Palestinian crops,

We pray that Israel will stop destroying Palestinian homes,

We pray that Israel will stop desecrating the memory of the holocaust through its 'never again' mantra while it repeats Nazi crimes in Palestine,

We pray that Israel will stop using the fear of another holocaust to justify the massacre and land-theft in Palestine,

We pray that the genocidal lie on which Israel was founded will be exposed, 'A land without people for people without land', when Palestine was home to millions while European Jews had countries to return to.

We pray that Israel will stop coveting and stealing Palestinian land,

We pray that Zionists will stop misusing scripture to justify Israel's crimes,

We pray that Zionists will stop rewriting history in order to justify Israel's existence and to obliterate Palestine from the history books,

We pray that you'll lift the blinkers from the eyes of Zionists so they see the genocidal evil they support,

We pray that you'll lift the blinkers from the eyes of the world so they will hold Israel accountable,

We pray that the International Criminal Court will prosecute Israeli leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity,

We pray that the world will pray for Palestine,

We pray that the world will realise Palestine does exist and has a right to exist,

We pray that the world will stand behind Palestine's right to resist Israel's illegal occupation, aggression and ethnic cleansing.

We pray that the West will stop its financial and moral support of Israel,

We pray that the West will understand they are financing and supporting ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide being committed by Israel,

We pray that the West will stop supporting the oppressor and support the victims of Israeli aggression,

We pray that Israel and its supporters will repent of their crimes against Palestine,

We pray that Zionists will repent of justifying Israel killing in the name God,

We pray that Zionists will end the idolisation of Israel,

We pray that the UN will grant Palestine full member status,

We pray for healing of Palestinians suffering emotionally or physically from Israel's actions,

We pray that Palestinians forced out of the land by Israel, will have be granted the right to return,

We pray that you'll free Palestine.


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